Summarized by JATRA secretariat on April 24, 2009
1. Production Technology Committee
[Activity report for 2008]
JATRA decided to continue to hold technical seminars in 2008. Planning and operation of the seminars were the activity theme of this committee. Since the number of members of this committee is small, we cooperated with Production Technology Information Committee to hold joint meetings with other committees for mutual support for each activity. These joint meetings aimed to unite the creativity and energy of each committee. Individual members also participated in these meeting.
| Frequency: Joint meeting - 6, Sub-meeting - 3
| 61th: | May 14, Joint (Production Technology, Production Technology Information, Individual members) |
| June 10, Sub (Production Technology) |
| 62th: | July 16, Joint (Production Technology, Production Technology Information, Individual members) |
| July 18, Sub (Production Technology / Preparation for technical seminar) |
| August 22, Sub (Production Technology / Preparation for technical seminar) |
| 63th: | September 10, Joint (Production Technology, Production Technology Information, Individual members) |
| 64th: | November 12, Joint (Production Technology, Production Technology Information, Individual members) |
| 65th: | January 21, Joint (Production Technology, Production Technology Information, Individual members) |
| 66th: | March 18, Joint (Production Technology, Production Technology Information, Individual members) |
| The 7th Technical seminar:
| May 12th at Edo-Tokyo Museum (83 participants) |
| Theme: Hair canvas interfacing |
| The 8th Technical seminar:
| October 28th Edo-Tokyo Museum (109 participantsj |
| Theme: Needle detector / X-ray inspection machine |
| The 9th Technical seminar:
| February 3th at Edo-Tokyo Museum (109 participants) |
| Theme: Body shape grasping / Sportswear |
[Activity plan in 2009]
We continuously forward a plan to hold technical seminar. Planning and operation of this seminar is our main theme.
| The 10th Technical seminar:
| June 23th at Edo-Tokyo Museum |
| Theme: Basic knowledge of fiber material test / Cleaning products / Technology of Needle detector |
| The 11th Technical seminar:
| October 21th at Edo-Tokyo Museum |
| Theme: TBA |
| The 12th Technical seminar:
| Scheduled on February, 2010 |
Same as the previous term, we hope to activate our activity through joint meetings with other committees. We also approach individual members for more active participation.
2. Standardization Committee
[Activity report for 2008]
Activity progress on JIS apparel size revision
(Report partly includes our last activity due to explaining the process.)
- On March 26th 2007, the Ergonomics Promotion Committee and the Measuring Technology Committee turned in the final working paper of the ergonomics project of 2006.
- In response to this, we are taking an action as follows to make a draft of JIS apparel size revision:
| February 14 - Standardization Committee (the 54th)
| For revising JIS apparel size, we needed the anthropometric measurements which HQL conducted during 2004 to 2006 on 8000 people. |
| The needed data were the raw and consolidated data about 11 items referred on the attached paper. |
| We asked "Policy Office for Design and Human Life System, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)" to donate the data for free. |
| February 26 - Japanese Standards Association(JSA), Mr. Watanabe
| In response to our proposal to cosponsor for JIS apparel size revision; he answered "JSA accepts application four times a year, and this year's last is the end of October." |
| March 25 - Received a call from Mr. Matsuo, Senior Planning Officer, METI
| "Policy Office for Design and Human Life System expressed they could offer the data for free if HQL takes part in this revision plan." |
| March 25 - Standardization Committee (the 55th)
| A progress report was given as follows: |
| JSA's answer was "OK". |
| There was possibility of obtaining the data. |
| Data analysis will be done by the research lab of Mr. Otsuka and HQL (if they participate in the committee.) |
| April 21 - Mr. Yokoyama, Policy Office for Design and Human Life System, METI
| We asked for donation of the data. |
| We discussed about: Handling of the provided data, Name list of commission members for revision, HQL attended at revision committee. |
| April 23 - Standardization Committee (the 56th)
| - Progress reports |
| - Discussion about ideal apparel size standard |
| May 28 - Received a call from Mr. Matsuo, Senior Planning Officer
| "Policy Office for Design and Human Life System can provide the data, but it needs an agreement about its handling, range of use, and an oath." |
| May 28 - Visit to Mr. Matsuo
| We brought the document to the senior planning officer for explaining summary and industries' opinion about necessity of this revision. |
| June 2 - Visit to Mr. Matsuo
| We submitted the amendment document. |
| June 4 - Subcommittee at Japan Women's University (the 57th)
| June 18 - Subcommittee at Japan Women's University (the 58th)
| July 7 - Visit to Mr. Matsuo
| Industry group (Japan Apparel Industry Council, Japan Women's and Children's Wear Manufactures' Association, Japan Socks Association) agreed that the revision is necessary. |
| August 4 - Visit to Mr. Matsuo |
| With gaining an agreement with JSA about cosponsor, we decided to apply for cosponsor of revision on October 2008. |
| With Mr. Matsuo, we visited Mr. Yokoyama at Policy Office for Design and Human Life System, METI. |
| Since we got a confirmation from Fiber department, and a request of revision from industry, we asked for provision of the data for free one more time. |
| August 6 - Subcommittee at Japan Women's University (the 59th) |
| August 28 - Subcommittee at Japan Women's University (the 60th) |
| August 29 - Visit to Mr. Matsuo |
| We asked about the progress on the provision of the data. |
| Mr. Matsuo suggested that we submit the request paper with a deadline to Mr. Yokoyama at the office of design and life system. |
| September 5 - Visit to Mr. Yokoyama |
| We submitted the request paper to Mr. Yokoyama to indicate that we want to receive the data by the end of September. |
| September 29 - Received a Fax from Mr. Yokoyama |
| "We haven't reached a decision yet. HQL is suggesting providing the data at a discounted price." |
| October 8 - Standardization Committee |
| The judgment of the need to revision is depending on the result of data analysis. Obtaining the data is first priority. |
| Study of ideal JIS apparel size standard also can be progressed. |
| October 11 - Visit to Mr. Yokoyama |
| We asked for donation of the data once again. |
| We visited Mr. Watanabe at JSA. We discussed application and timing about cosponsor of revision. |
| November 4 - Received a call from Mr. Yokoyama |
| "The data can be provided for free under certain conditions." |
| November 13 - Received a call from Mr. Matsuo |
| "We donate the data." |
| November 17 - Visit to Mr. Yokoyama |
| We had a meeting about conditions: |
| 1. Must submit an application to the director of Policy Office for Design and Human Life System. |
| 2. Deliver will be the end of January 2009. |
| 3. Contract with HQL on management of the data is needed. |
| We also visited Mr. Matsuo to give our progress but he was out. |
| December 2 - Held hearings with JSA, (Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Nakamura participated.) |
| January 20, 2009 - Standardization Committee |
| We got a confirmation of donation of the data. |
| Mr. Otsuka gave an explanation of analytical comparison of the data taken during 1992 to 94, and 2004 to 06 on twenties. |
| February 4 - Received a visit from Mr. Hatanaka, HQL |
| We had a meeting about contract details on receiving the donated data. |
| February 12 - Visit to Mr. Yokoyama |
| We requested the data of body weight. |
| February 20 - Sent an application on the revision of adult male apparel size (L4004) to JSA |
| March 16 - Received the data from HQL |
| March 18 - Had a seminar at JSA about making a draft for the revision (Nakayama participated) |
| March 19 - Visit to the research lab of Mr. Otsuka |
| Purpose: We asked him to data analysis, to conclude a memorandum, to have a discussion about CP for analysis. |
[Activity plan in 2009]
| April 3 - Visit to Mr. Yamashita, Mr. Nakano, Standardization Promotion Office, METI (Mr. Watanabe, JSA, attended) |
| We explained about making the draft for the revision of L4004. |
| Judgment on the need to this revision must be done including our committee, not by sectional committee only. |
| June - July |
| Standardization Committee and sectional committee study the result of analysis. |
| We will hold the explanatory meeting of the result of the study for JSA and Standardization Promotion Office, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. |
| Late July - August |
| Standardization Committee will discuss the need of this revision. |
| End of October |
| We will apply for JSA if this revision is judged to be necessary. |
| November - March 2010 |
| Standardization Committee will discuss a draft of the revision |
| April 2010 - March 2011 |
| We will make the first draft of the revision |
3. International Committee
[Activity report for 2008]
We delivered the information that we gathered via IAF (International Apparel Federation) and AAFA (U.S.) to our members by email.
| IAF: 4 times |
| AAFA: 7 times |
[Activity plan in 2009]
Continuously we collect information from IAF and AAFA, and deliver them to our members by email.
4. Human resource Development Committee
[Activity report for 2008]
Held the 10th cross-industrial networking meeting.
| Date: November 14 - 15, 2008 |
| Place: Sakamoto Otozo Syoten Co.,LTD in Aizu-wakamatsu, Fukushima |
| Harataki Seminar house at Higashiyama Onsen, Fukushima |
| Participants: 18 (Including organizer: 5) |
| Theme: Searching for new idea about Japanese apparel industry |
[Activity plan in 2009]
We carry out the 11th cross-industrial networking meeting scheduled on September 2009.
5.Production Technology Information Committee
[Activity report for 2008]
1. Themes in 2008
| Updating and maintenance of statistic data
| Enriching the technology links and the contents of statistic database
| Counting the number of access to JATRA database
| Enriching the contents of JATRA website and formulating its operation
| Putting the technical database on the website and making improvement
2. Achievement
| Meeting: 6 times in 2008 (Joint meeting with Production Technology Information Committee and Production Technology Committee and individual members)
| 61th: May 14, 2008
| 62th: July 16, 2008
| 63th: September 10, 2008
| 64th: November 12, 2008
| 65th: January 21, 2009
| 66th: March 18, 2009
| Addition and revision of new data items
| - The contents of the database are updated on a regular basis.
| [I] Apparel production: 11 times
| [II] Apparel distribution: 11 times
| [III] Apparel trading: 2 times
| [IV] Supply and demand / consumer purchasing / population: 11 times/font>
| [V] International statistic: 1 time
| - Update has been done every time public offices release data.
| - The graphs of textile products configuration table and IWS data were omitted.
| - Trade statistics are unified in four digit product cord.
| - Target countries of trade statistic are changed to U.S.A., EU, Hong Kong and Korea.
| - Checking and correcting of dead links on the website had been done.
| Counting the number of access to JATRA database
| A counting system for monthly hits and page views was changed to Google.
| According to the previous system, the monthly hits were about 1,500, and page views were about 7,000. By the new system, however, the monthly hits were 700 to 800, and page views were 2,000.
| We decided to continue to use new system.
| Enriching the contents of JATRA website and formulating its operation
| The images on the general information page of JATRA were updated.
| Putting the technical database on the website and making improvement
| We set up a link page connecting to members' factories such as National sewing association etc.
3. Review, and assignment to the next term.
| The method of correcting international data
| Since the data stored in JETRO is not electronic data, the updating was difficult and had not been done frequently.
| Links to other site
| There were not enough appeals of individual members. We consider posting and submitting technical information of individual members on the OC-X website.
| Improvement and enrichment of technical link page
[Activity plan in 2009]
1. Approach to the data on Apparel production technology
| Collection of the data and technical information on apparel production
| This is aiming to offer necessary information, knowledge and solutions to the problems arising from daily business for those who work at apparel production.
| We check our Apparel technical link page, and find further necessary information we can provide.
| We conduct content confirmation and update of the apparel statistic database.
| Operations relating to designs of the website of JATRA
| We do collective check on the words, technical terms and images on the pages.
2. Consideration about how to upgrade the update
| Improvement on the contents and updating method
| We improve the topics that we could not make progress in the previous year such as trading matrix and international wage level.
| We review the method of collecting JETRO data.
| Operations related to update the images on our website
| We add information of individual members, the documents of corporate members, and press releases.
| We establish a system of updating latest information.
| With considering the linkage with OC-X, we prepare a new page for announcement of individual members.
6. Secretariat
[Activity report for 2008]
We sent the bill book of the 18th operating committee and the 21th board committee.
Bill: acceptance of the bill at the 9th ordinary general meeting. |
Shipping: on April 2nd |
Held the 10th ordinary general meeting. |
| Bill: Project report and accounting report for 2007, Project plan for 2008, Discussion of budget plan, and explanation of other proposal |
| Date: April 24th, 4pm to 5:30pm. |
| Place: Office of the study group |
Held the 7th apparel technical seminar. |
| Theme: The basic knowledge of Hair canvas interlining material, and Traditional Canvas. |
| Date: May 12th, 1:30pm to 4:40pm. |
| Place: Conference room, Edo Tokyo museum |
| Participant: 83 |
Held the 8th apparel technical seminar. |
| Theme: The basic knowledge of Needle detector and X-ray inspection machine, Panel discussion. |
| Date: October 28th, 1:30pm to 4:40pm. |
| Place: Conference room, Edo Tokyo museum |
| Participant: 109 |
Held the 9th apparel technical seminar. |
| Theme: History of Body shape grasping, Design and application of Sportswear |
| Date: February 3th, 1:30pm to 4:40pm. |
| Place: Conference room, Edo Tokyo museum |
| Participant: 98 |
Held the 18th to 23th technical and research meeting (Member interchange society). |
| Date: May 14th, July 16th, September 10th, November 12st, January 21rd, March 18th |
| Place: Office of the study group |
| * 18 individual members participated the meeting as of March 31st 2009. |
[Activity plan in 2009]
We support each committee's activity plan. |
We especially work as an office for the project of JIS apparel size revision by Standardization committee. |